Measuring and Evaluating Financial Performance Using the Banking Rating System and its Impact on Achieving Financial Sustainability: Analytical Study of a Sample of Private Commercial Banks listed on The Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The research aimed to evaluate the financial performance of the research sample using the banking rating system and determine the nature of the impact of the indicators of the banking rating system represented by (capital adequacy, quality of assets, quality of liquidity, quality of profitability) on financial sustainability. The research used the descriptive and analytical approach and the statistical program (SPSS) was used. -21) To estimate the standard model, test hypotheses, and extract results, as a multiple linear regression model was used to test the impact of financial performance indicators on financial sustainability, and the research population and sample represented the Iraqi banking sector, as (10) private commercial banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange were taken. For the period from (2012-2021), the research concluded that there was a direct effect of the indicators of liquidity quality, profitability quality, and capital adequacy on financial sustainability, while the asset quality indicator did not have a significant effect on financial sustainability. The research was presented based on the conclusions reached by a number of Among the recommendations, the most important is the need for banks to pay attention to financial sustainability indicators, analyze them, and take their results to hedge against any future financial or banking crises and identify strengths and weaknesses to enhance strengths and overcome weaknesses.
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