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Ali Ibrahim Hussein [email protected]
Hadeel Ibrahim Fadel [email protected]


The research aimed to test the extent of the impact of adopting accounting education standards in enhancing the quality of accounting qualification in the Iraqi environment. The accounting education standards were represented within eight dimensions that reflect the eight international accounting education standards (IAES1-8), while the quality of accounting qualification was represented within four dimensions: (values ethical, personal skills, practical skills, technical skills). A questionnaire form was also prepared with the aim of collecting the necessary data to test the research hypotheses. It was distributed to the research sample represented by academic professors within accounting specializations and postgraduate and bachelor’s degree students in the Accounting Department within the College of Administration and Economics at Tikrit University. The number of questionnaires returned and suitable for analysis reached 75 forms. The descriptive analytical method was also adopted for the purpose of preparing the research and reaching its objectives, and the research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is that international accounting education standards have a moral and positive effect in enhancing the quality of accounting qualification. In particular, standard (8) related to providing qualification requirements for professional auditors, the research suggests strengthening university accounting curricula with the vocabulary of international accounting education standards because of their effective role in enhancing the quality of university outputs of promising accountants and auditors, professionals and academics.


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How to Cite
Ali Ibrahim Hussein, & Hadeel Ibrahim Fadel. (2024). The impact of adopting international accounting education standards on the quality of accounting qualification: An exploratory study on a sample of academics in accounting specializations/Tikrit University. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 171–193.


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