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ِAhmad Abd Allah Akeel [email protected]
Hameed Hassan Khalaf [email protected]


This research dealt with the concepts of both the interest rate and the rediscount rate and explained their impact as independent variables on the exchange rate in Iraq as a dependent variable, during the period (2004-2022). Where the aim of this study was to show the impact of these two tools on the exchange rate, assuming a statistically significant relationship between the variables of the study,

        The model was estimated according to the autoregressive methodology for distributed lag periods (ARDL), and was shown according to the bounds test for integration, what is common is the existence of a cointegration relationship between the research variables, so the analysis was carried out in the short and long term, and the estimated model was free from the problem of autocorrelation and the problem of heterogeneity of variance, and its residuals were distributed normally, and the model was stable according to stability tests (Cusum and Cusum of Square), one of the most important results of the study is that the degree of integration of the variables of the study model was a mixture between the original level (0)I and the first difference (1)I, and there is no variable with a degree of integration of the second difference (2)I, and the relationship of interest rates and price Rediscounting at the exchange rate was positive in the short and long term, but the size of the effect was very weak. The study recommended using new tools for the central bank, such as the window, which effectively affects the exchange rate, and not relying on the interest index, since the overall economic activity is in the hands of the public sector, and therefore the interest rate will lose much of its effectiveness.


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How to Cite
ِAhmad Abd Allah Akeel, & Hameed Hassan Khalaf. (2024). The Impact of Some of The Tools of The Central Bank of Iraq in Achieving Exchange Rate Stability for the period (2004-2022). Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 124–141.


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