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Aymen Hamada Jasym [email protected]
Saeb Salem Mohammad [email protected]


The research aims to demonstrate the impact of the complexity of the financial statements on the value of the company through application to a sample of Iraqi banks. For the purpose of achieving the goal of the research, the basic concepts adopted in measuring the relationship between the complexity of the financial statements and the value of the company were addressed, according to a theoretical framework based on a group of Arab and foreign research. Quantitative measurement was also used as one of the methods to measure the research variables, and some descriptive statistical methods were used through the use of the SPSS program to examine the significance of the relationship and influence between the research variables, as the sample population included all Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange, and the research sample also included The financial statements of some banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange, numbering (13) banks, from (2012-2021), so that the number of views was (130) views. The researchers relied on measuring the level of complexity of the financial statements on the (LIX) scale, while the value of the company was measured According to Tobin's Q scale, the research found that there is a significant (inverse) relationship between the complexity of the financial statements and the value of the company. The research recommended the need to provide financial statements that are clear, understandable, readable and available to all users of financial reports, which may be reflected in the possibility of making appropriate investment decisions and thus reflect on the goal of the company maximizes its value.


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Aymen Hamada Jasym, & Saeb Salem Mohammad. (2024). The Impact of Financial statement complexity on the company’s value: An Applied study on a sample of Banks Listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 211–230.


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