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Ali Mohammed AbdulHafth [email protected]
Fouad Farhan Hussein [email protected]


The importance of the research is due to the fact that public debts represent a burden on the state’s general budget and on economic activity, and they also represent a violation of the rights of older generations. Therefore, one should not resort to loans, especially foreign ones, and work to make optimal use of the available financial resources. The research aims to study the external debts of developing countries, the effects of those debts, shed light on the steps that have been taken to mitigate the effects of those debts on the debtor countries, and then analyze Iraq's external debts.

As for the limits, the time limits of the research are represented in the period from the year 2014 to the year 2022, and the spatial boundaries are represented in the Republic of Iraq. The research used the inductive method and the deductive method, and it also used documented data. The research was divided into three sections in addition to the first section, which dealt with the methodology, The second section: dealt with the nature and reasons for external loans, and the third section: dealt with the role of international bodies and creditor countries in confronting the worsening external debts of developing countries. The fourth section: dealt with the role of external debts in achieving economic development in Iraq. The research concluded that: The high volume of external debts and the high burdens of servicing them lead to negative effects on growth rates and international trade, and that foreign loans to Iraq did not achieve the desired economic development.

One of the most important recommendations that the research reached is that benefiting from economic development aid leads to achieving strategic goals and achieving sustainable economic growth.


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How to Cite
Ali Mohammed AbdulHafth, & Fouad Farhan Hussein. (2024). The impact of external debt on economic development in developing countries: Iraq is a model. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 142–155.


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