The effect of disclosing bank credit risks in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS9, IFRS7) on increasing banking awareness: An applied study on a sample of Iraqi banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The research aims to explain the role of disclosure of bank credit risks in increasing banking awareness. The operations carried out by the bank are based on elements represented by the bank’s confidence in its customer requesting credit, and the time period of the credit. Therefore, it carries within it certain risks, but what is worth noting is that the greater its risk, the greater its profitability. Therefore, disclosing these risks in the annual reports of banks is a necessary for users of financial statements in order to reach the necessary decisions that concern the various parties. Such as investors, customers, regulatory and government agencies, and others. Hence the idea of this research came to demonstrate the effect that disclosure of these risks in accordance with international financial reporting standards has on increasing banking awareness through application to a sample of Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange represented by (the National Bank of Iraq, the International Islamic Bank, and the Iraqi Islamic Bank for Investment and Development). The extent to which these banks applied the requirements for disclosing credit risks was demonstrated in accordance with international financial reporting standards by reaching at a percentage that represents the extent to which these banks apply the requirements of international financial reporting standards, and comparing these results with one of the indicators of banking awareness that will be applied to the banks in the research sample. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is: The degree of banking awareness is affected by banks’ commitment to disclosing bank credit risks in accordance with international financial reporting standards, The higher the banks’ commitment, the higher the degree of banking awareness of the users of the financial statements.
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