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kawthar younis mayoof [email protected]
Abdul Razzaq Hamad Hussein [email protected]


The study aims to measure and analyze the role of portfolio investment in the trading volume index of the Iraqi securities market. The descriptive and analytical approach and the standard economics approach were used in building the model based on the EViews 13 program, as well as the use of the self-degradation model of distributed time gaps (ARDL).

The study concluded that the statistically significant impact of portfolio investment on Iraq's short-term and long-term stock exchange volume index was demonstrated the study found that portfolio foreign investment is an important element of the economy. However, the Iraqi economy is an environment that is not attractive to investment because of the conditions of security and economic instability, which adversely affects foreign investors' willingness to invest and trade in the market. This is illustrated by the indicators during the course of the study, whether as regards the volume of non-Iraqis' trading or net portfolio investment and its impact on the volume index on the Iraq stock market. The study recommended the granting of many advantages and tax incentives to attract foreign investors to financial markets because of the great importance of portfolio investment in development and the development of the national economy as well as providing the right investment climate and working to diversify and develop new types of securities


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How to Cite
kawthar younis mayoof, & Abdul Razzaq Hamad Hussein. (2024). Measuring and analyzing the impact of portfolio investment on the trading volume index of the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2022. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(67, part 2), 1–16.


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