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Sinan Zuhair Mohammed Jameel [email protected]


The research seeks to clarify the concept of critical perspectives of accounting, as one of the modern topics advocated by modern foreign philosophical accounting studies, which was adopted by one of the strongest international accounting journals within the global container Scopus, unlike Arab studies, which did not pay any attention to these topics so far, and the research also aims to clarify the emergence of topics of critical perspectives of accounting and critical accounting theory, and how they emerged until they reached what they are now, as well as clarifying how critical topics contributed to Accounting (critical accounting theory) in the treatment of problems of accounting thought and application.

To achieve the objectives of the research above, the research divided into four axes, the first axis dealt with the emergence of critical perspectives of accounting and its historical development. The second axis was devoted to the concept of critical accounting theory and the third axis was devoted to the contributions of critical theory topics in treating the problems of thought and accounting application. Finally, the fourth axis was devoted to conclusions and recommendations

The research is based on several assumptions, including, that researchers differed in determining what is meant by critical perspectives of accounting (at first), and later became a clear and specific meaning, and the theory of critical accounting (critical perspectives of accounting) contributions to the treatment of problems of thought and accounting application has contributed to the treatment of problems of thought and accounting application, through the diagnosis and criticism of defects and weaknesses in some accounting studies as well as scientific practice and propose effective solutions to that, and this has been confirmed by the conclusions of the research.


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How to Cite
Sinan Zuhair Mohammed Jameel. (2024). Critical perspectives on accounting - and their contribution to treating the problems of accounting thought and application: An analytical study. Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 156–170.


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Critical Perspectives on Accounting: