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Numan Munther [email protected]
Ayad Khalid Mahdi [email protected]


The main objective of the research was to explain the role of strategic intention in achieving competitive advantage according to the European model of excellence. The research was based on the fact that the competitive advantage of educational institutions stems mainly from the strategic direction or intention, which is at the same time one of the most important requirements for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage for all institutions in general and educational institutions in particular.. To achieve the above goal, the research started from the hypothesis that the presence of strategic intention among organizations is considered an important requirement for achieving their competitive advantage. The research followed the exploratory and descriptive approach by reviewing the theoretical literature, accrediting Iraqi universities as a research community, and Anbar University was chosen as a sample for the research because it has a successful experience in the field of excellence in education. The research reached a number of results, including: There is a strong connection between strategic intent and achieving sustainable competitive advantage through providing distinguished educational service, supporting academic staff members to enable them to perform according to the standards of the European model of excellence, as well as supporting creativity. The research reached a number of recommendations, including the need for a strategic intention for every institution that seeks or seeks to achieve excellence, and for higher education institutions to follow the standards of the European model of excellence and measure them constantly.


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How to Cite
Numan Munther, & Ayad Khalid Mahdi. (2024). Strategic Intention and its role in Achieving Competitive Advantage according to the European Model of Excellence EFQM . Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 20(66, part 2), 19–37.


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